
Google's Halloween Doodle turns Momo the cat into a witch

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再一次抱歉,因为故障,之前一直连不上。导致我无法翻墙。而让我开心的是,今天能翻墙,就赶上了Halloween, 赶上了Google小游戏!




Google's Halloween Doodle turns Momo the cat into a ghost-hunting witch


Never one to miss a special occasion (unless of course it's its own birthday), today's Google Doodle celebrates Halloween.

Using a real-life cat, named Momo, as inspiration, the Doodle team has created a playable game for both desktop and mobile called Magic Cat Academy. To play the game, go to the Google homepage and click the play button.

You will then be guided through a short tutorial before starting level one. In the centre of the screen is an animated version of Momo holding a wand. Each ghost that approaches Momo has a series of coloured lines in various shapes above its head. The aim is to use your mouse, or your finger, to draw these shapes to cast the appropriate spells to defeat the ghosts.





Your 'kill' tally will appear at the bottom of screen and your score is in the top right-hand corner. 

"Happy Halloween! Grab your wand and help fend off a ghostly catastrophe," explained Google in a blog post. "Press play to swipe spells, save your friends, and help restore the peace at the Magic Cat Academy.

This year’s Halloween Doodle follows freshman feline Momo on her mission to rescue her school of magic. Help her cast out mischievous spirits by swiping in the shape of the symbols above the ghosts’ heads. And you’d better pounce fast—the ghost that stole the master spellbook is getting away!“


*catastrophe 其实与disaster同意,都表示灾难,但是程度更高,后果更加严重。

* Freshman-美语中大学4年不同级学生叫法不同,大一学生为freshman,大二叫做sophomore, 大三叫做Junior student, 大四叫做senior student.
* feline 猫科的
* Cast out 驱赶
* mischievous-有害的,恶作剧的。

From the team that created the Magic Cat Academy:
The inspiration for this year’s cat spell-casting game came from a real-life black cat named Momo that belongs to Doodler Juliana Chen. It seemed like a good opportunity for a cat hero, since the winner of last year’s Candy Cup Doodle was Yellow Witch and her black cat. 

The original concept for the game involved a magic cat making a soup that was so good, it raised the dead. Connecting soup to Halloween proved too abstract, so the team shifted to the idea of a wizard school. This opened the door to a more robust world filled with interesting characters and paw-some themes. 

今年的猫施咒游戏的灵感来自于一只真实的黑色猫咪-momo, 它是我们涂鸦师朱莉安娜陈的猫咪。现在真是塑造一个猫英雄的好时机,因为去年糖果杯涂鸦冠军就是一个黄色巫师和她的黑猫。
The game includes five levels set in a school environment: the library, cafeteria, classroom, gym, and the building’s rooftop. We had lots of fun ideas for the resident foe of each level, including a chef ghost, a venn diagram ghost, and a big whistle ghost that summons other spirits. 


Doodling for a whole Doodle game was very exciting for us. We had so many ideas for elaborate symbols to draw, like a witch’s hat that would appear on the character’s head after it was drawn! In the end we decided that for a short game against the clock, simple was better. Plans like the “Eiffel Tower spell” were abandoned, and similarly, gag spells didn’t make the cut. Regardless, we loved the process of dreaming up the possibilities.

* Against the clock 争分夺秒
* Make the cut 达到要求

ID: learningBuddy 

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