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Dear Hannah,


      It is a marvelous winter up here, so I've had some wonderful, refreshing trips....


      I often hope that you are doing as well as i am here. The solitude of the mountains, the quite life of the mountain people, the elemental nearness of sun, storm, and heavens, the simplicity of an abandoned trail on a wide and deeply snow-covered slope ----- all this keeps the soul far, far removed from all unfocused and moddy existence....


      When the storm is howling outside the cabin, then I remember "our storm," or I take a quiet walk along the Lahn River, or I dream about a young girl in a raincoat, her hat pulled down over her large, quite eyes, who entered my office for the first time, shy and reserved, giving every question a short reply ----- and then I transpose the picture to the last day of the semester ---- and then I know for sure, that life is history.


      I hold you dear,





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